9/11 Truth

9/11 Truth - Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq War

This episode is currently not viewable online.

This controversial and arresting film takes you behind the walls of government, as CIA, Pentagon and foreign service experts speak out, many for the first time, detailing the lies, mis-statements and exaggerations that served as the reasons to fight a 'preemptive' war that wasn't necessary.

Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth - Blueprint for Truth - Twin Towers & Building 7 Of The World Trade Center

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9/11: BLUEPRINT FOR TRUTH - Twin Towers & Building 7 Of The World Trade Center

This 54 minute show is focused on both the crucial evidence of World Trade Center building 7 and the evidence of the collapse of all World Trade Center Twin Towers and building 7. The evidence showing the collapse was the result of a controlled demolition is examined. There is substantial evidence that explosives were used to destroy each of the three World Trade Center buildings. A new full investigation with subpoena power is needed to search for how this was done and who did it.