The Grange - The Movement Overlooked Pt1

Learn About The Surprisingly Progressive Agenda Of the Grange

Born in the aftermath of the Civil War, for more than 140 years the Grange has played an important role in the fight for prosperity and opportunity for farmers and rural Americans.

It was at the forefront in lobbying for regulation of transportation and public utilities, the
Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890), the Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) and Universal Suffrage (1919). The Grange has been the driving force behind improving transportation, waterways; rural postal delivery and how we vote.

Additionally, it established cooperative stores and elevators.

Featuring Theresa Thorud, Program Director of the Washington-Yamhill Pomona Grange. Thorud has done extensive research on the history of Granges and fraternal insurance.

A free presentation by History of Social Justice Organizing. Nov 14, 7-8:30 pm at Portland State University.

History of Social Justice Organizing is an ongoing series of presentations by activists and scholars on a wide variety of social justice organizing both in Portland and elsewhere. A program of Occupy History.

27 min 54 sec
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