A Taste of Theater

This is the show where playwrights come to showcase one scene of their play for the audience. We interview the playwright or the writer to the play to get the inside story as to how the play comes about. We interview the cast members to get their take on the characters they play.

We also focus on the music from the play (original music only)

We give the playwright the opportunity to tell us what message he or she is trying to convey in the play. Then the actors perform one scene of the play.

A Taste of Theatre - Dr. Rhonda Childress (Parental Discretion Advised)

This episode is currently not viewable online.

Parental Discretion Advised as this play deals with sexual assault. Finding Deborah is a play about Debrah losing herself due to a verbally abusive mother and a sexual abusive uncle. She is in therapy to resolve the issues.


A Taste of Theatre

A Taste of Theatre - Mel Yarbrough

This episode is currently not viewable online.

A play about a woman who is tried and tormented by the Devil. She finds herself in a bind.


A Taste of Theatre

This is the show where playwrights come to showcase one scene of their play for the audience. We interview the playwright or the writer to the play to get the inside story as to how the play comes about. We interview the cast members to get their take on the characters they play.

A Taste of Theatre - Cameo Jarrett

This episode is currently not viewable online.

A play about a woman who finds out life isn't what she thought when dating an older man.


A Taste of Theatre

This is the show where playwrights come to showcase one scene of their play for the audience. We interview the playwright or the writer to the play to get the inside story as to how the play comes about. We interview the cast members to get their take on the characters they play.

We also focus on the music from the play (original music only)

A Taste of Theater - Darryl Easley - 2 Wrongs Don't Make a Right

This episode is currently not viewable online.

Darryl Easley stops by to talk about his play 2 Wrongs Don't make it right. A play about a man who finds his girlfriend has been cheating on him with his best friend. He then has to choose what to do when another friends wife hits on him. What does he do?