The Rowan Tree

The Davis Ballet School's spring 1990 performance of "The Rowan Tree." This 47-minute presentation was produced by DCTV volunteer producer Lori J. Wilber.

Digitized from U-matic tape U-0659 by DMA, Sept'15.

Ballet Mistress & Coach Katie Heil

Choreography for Scottish Guest Arthur Saint-Leon

All Other Dances Arranged by Katie Heil

The Cast

Act I

Princesses: Nicole Cala, Elena Hartsough, Kelly Harwood, Anne Hopper, Karlee Knutsson, Judith Lucas, Meara Mezger, Jennifer Morejohn, Yael Sherman, Shannon Tandy, Allison Young

Special Guest: Yoko Chavez

Mockingbird: Deborah Shifrine

Bluebirds: Veery Brice, Kayla Campbell, Heather Hopkins, Jayme Reynolds, Maggie Spangler

Rag Dolls: Nicole Adams, Danielle Erwin, Sarah Graham, Julia Higgins, Kendra James, Brynne Johnson, Kate Kaltenbach, Caitlin McDonald, Nicole McLaughlin, Kelly Robinson, Sarah Roby, Hannah Roby, Bella Veazey, Aryn Yancher

Toy Soldier: Julian Lucas

Angel: Jennifer Ito

Princess Reina: Allison Young

SLIME: Sarah Aldous, Marisol Arguelles, Natalie Bazan, Sara Beede, Tammy Calabretta, Carly Crouch, Megan Earley, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Kendell German, Julia Heil, Sarah Neagley, Megan Soto, Valerie Tandy, Sarah Tillinghast, Sarah Windall

SLIME Queen: Janet Armstead

Cast Act II

Fairies: Jamie Carhill, Alexanddra Demaria, Majwa Marrush, Alison Munn, Cathy Sonin, Heather Van Hoosear, Mattie Zalom

Fairy Queen: Jean Larock

Daisies: Belen Arguelles, Alisa Bazan, Laurel Brittan, Breanna Cox, Susanna Curry, Kate Kaltenbach, Mary Catherine Kocher, Zeina Marrush

Rose: Alexis Cala

Ladyslippers: Kerry Leek, autumn Peterson, Corinne Shorts

Columbine: Angelica Troughton

Snapdragons: Carrie Sloan, Erin Zezulak

Sunbeams: Jamie Hughes, Alison Munn, Heather Van Hoosear, Mattie Zalom

Sun: Genevieve Burton

The Rowan Tree: Jennifer Chang

Lilly: Elizabeth Ito  

Music Composed by : Joy Chamberlain, Leo Delibes, Alexander Glazounov, Charles Gounod, Scott Joplin, Andre Messager, Sergei Prokofiev, Johann Strauss, Pyotr Tchaikovsky

Technical Staff

Wardrobe Mistress: Vickie Ito

Wardrobe Assistance: Cathleen Hopper, Susan Larock, Joy Young

Costumes: Deb Brittan, Shirley Calabretta (slime), Doreen Erwin, Vickie Ito, Joan Roby, Lynda Yancher

Sound: Kirk Wulf

Lighting: Brian Cox, Staci Sheehan

Stage Manager: Molly Ann Lappelt

Tickets: Wilma Arguellas

Scenery: Kris Heil, Bob Leek

Television Crew

Camera Operators: Melissa Meader, Lori J. Wilbur

Producer & Editor: Lori J. Wilbur

Produced through the facilities of Davis Community Television. Copyright 1990.

46 min 59 sec
PBCore Genres: 
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
DCTV - Locally Produced
DCTV Digital Library