
Media Edge

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10 years after the second US invasion of Iraq, the Deep Dish TV series "Shocking and Awful: A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation" remains the most comprehensive and powerful analysis of the war and opposition that arose in the US and around the world. To mark the 8th anniversary since the first "Media Edge" telecast on April 3, 2005, we present this entire 12-part series during the next three weeks, with each Media Edge episode featuring four of the Shocking and Awful series programs:

Media Edge

This episode is currently not viewable online.

"The United States of ALEC" (41 minutes)
Bill Moyers' report on the most influential corporate-funded political force most of America has never heard of -- ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council. A national consortium of state politicians and powerful corporations, ALEC presents itself as a “nonpartisan public-private partnership”. But behind that mantra lies a vast network of corporate lobbying and political action aimed to increase corporate profits at public expense without public knowledge.

"When Abortion Was Illegal" (28 minutes)