Government & Politics

Libertarian Counterpoint

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Health and Human Services, Tom Price, orthopedic surgeon, opponent of ObamaCare.

Labor, Andrew Puzder, CEO of Carl's Jr., opponent of minimum wage etc.

Office of Management and Budget, Mick Mulvaney, deep spending cutter.


Defense General James Mattis, tougher than Trump on Russia, more supportive of NATO, supports Iran nuclear agreement.

Homeland Security, Marine General John Kelly

CIA, Mike Pompeo, at least he wouldn't endorse torture.


Libertarian Counterpoint

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Show One, Trump the Good, the Bad and the Ugly


EPA - Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma Attorney General who has sued EPA and advocates dismantling large parts of it.

Education - Betsy DeVos, Amway billionaire and school choice activist.


Trade and Industry Policy Advisor, Peter Navarro, author of Death by China, trade war disaster maker.

Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, immigration and drug war hawk.

Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, Goldman Sachs crony.


The 23rd Annual City of Davis Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration

Click here to View online
 The 23rd Annual City of Davis Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
“Justice Everywhere: Speaking Up For JUSTICE in a Climate of Intolerance”
Commemorating the life and accomplishments of Dr. King for civil rights, peace and nonviolence.   
Keynote speaker Garth Lewis, musician Aleta Ballinger, children of the Parents of African American Children Davis group,  a talk by Jessa Rae Growing Thunder, musician Marque Cass, and the Davis Freedom Singers.

Libertarian Counterpoint

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What is the alt-right? Do libertarians fall under this tag?

Is the planet melting? If so, what would be a libertarian approach to the problem.

Can human ingenuity and technology overcome the finite limits of Earth's biosphere? How would libertarians distribute the limited resources so as to maximize utility?

Did Nicolas Tesla invent "global warming" when he theorized about (or maybe invented) an ionospheric heater?

Libertarian Counterpoint

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Overcoming Duverger's Law (plurality elections lead to propensity for a two-party system). What is a realistic path to a more effective libertarian voice in politics?

How the proliferation of regulations makes everyone a felon.

How the regulatory state works to the benefit of big business.

How regulation cripples entrepreneurial enterprise.

How regulation creates a parasitical consulting industry.

Should government own real estate?