Government & Politics

American Democracy TV - Flight 8 - Representative Democracy in America Professional Development Seminar Part II

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American Democracy TV - Flight 8 - Representative Democracy in America Professional Development Seminar Part II

Understanding Congress - Honorable Lee Hamilton

The Role of State Legislatures in Representative Democracy - Alan Rosenthal

American Democracy TV - Flight 8 - Representative Democracy in America Professional Development Seminar Part I

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American Democracy TV - Flight 8 - Representative Democracy in America Professional Development Seminar Part I

The Informal Political Process - Thomas Mann

The Philosophical Foundation of Representative Democracy - Anthony Corrado

Is a strong and ideologically-based party compatible with the role of the legislature and the separation of powers? How weary of their government should American voters be?  These often unasked, even provacative, questions are thoughtfully examined in Part I of The Alliance for Representative Democracy Seminar.

The Road to Recovery - Prevention and Early intervention for Substance Use and Mental Disorders: What's Working, What's Needed?

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Preventing substance abuse and mental disorders is critical, and early intervention and treatment is essential to avoid devastating impact and reduce the high cost to society. What really works in prevention and early intervention? How can prevention and early intervention strategies and services be coordinated more effectively with treatment and recovery services? What role does prevention and eraly intervention play in a recovery-oriented system of care? What happens when someone is identified with a substance use or mental disorder?

American Democracy Television - Flight 13 - Citizens 2010

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Every year thousands of students in every state of America learn to be active citizens by participating in a national civics program called, We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education.  This is the story of one teacher and his class during the year they won a national championship.