
Stories of GATE and (De)Tracking

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Presentation by Dr. Fred Brill.


Brill describes his experience as superintendent of the Lafayette School District, where the teachers are supported and encouraged to provide differentiated instruction for students at all learning levels. 
The event is hosted by a group of individual Davis residents not acting in affiliation with the school district or any school, nor in affiliation with any educational or political program or organization.

In The Studio - Davis Grad Night

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Nora Filet and Dylan McElligott host Mary James, Parent Run Activities Chair, and Diane Sherwin, Parent Volunteer.

Topics discussed include: need for volunteers, how to get tickets, why there is a grad night, the work force, and general overview of grad night without giving away too much since it is a surprise for the grads.  Its a safe and sane party, once entered can't leave until morning.