Slow the Flow: Make Your Landscape Act More Like A Sponge

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Slow the Flow: Make Your Landscape Act More Like A Sponge brings to life practices and projects that individuals and communities around California have created to steward our watersheds and slow down the flow of storm water, one of the largest contributors of pollution into our waterways.

The film features a landscaper who shocks his neighbors by pulling out his traditional front yard lawn and cement driveway, and putting in rain gardens, swales, native landscaping, and permeable paving; a suburban community that votes in a bond measure to pay for their school district to move to green multi-benefit watershed landscape practices and low impact development at all their schools; and a non-profit which is helping an urban neighborhood remove concrete and put in sidewalk gardens and median parks, and more.  The projects and approaches highlighted are very low-tech, green, habitat-enhancing, and beautiful --making a good arguement for kicking back and not raking the leaves or watering the lawn. 

Produced by The California State Water Resources Control Board and Potero Industries.

26 min 50 sec
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