
The Road to Recovery - Treatment and Recovery in Behavioral Health for American with Disabilities

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Persons with disabilities in our society experience substance use and mental disorders at a relatively high rates, yet special challenges exist for those who want to access and use treament and recovery support services. The American with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities, but how does this protection apply in providing treatment and recovery services for individuals with substance use and mental disorders?  What are the barriers to access that disabled persons face and how can these barriers be overcome?

The Road to Recovery - Trauma and Justice: Treatment and Recovery Through the Delivery of Behavioral Health Services

This episode is currently not viewable online.

Trauma is a universal experience of people in treatment and recovery for substance use and mental disorders. Trauma is a widespread, harmful and costly public health problem.  Trauma occurs as a result of violence, abuse, neglect, disaster, war, and other emotionally destructive experiences.