The Road to Recovery - Recovery Support: Collaboration, Coordination, and Recovery Management

The Road to Recovery - Recovery Support: Collaboration, Coordination, and Recovery Management.

While the first steps towards long-term recovery are major achievements for individuals with substance use and mental disorders, the next challenge is learning how to sustain recovery over time.  Long-term recovery requires addressing the factors and conditions that contributed to the dependence in the first place.  For many, recovery involves healing relationships, developing improved life skills, and attaining "emotional sobriety," which makes it possible to contribute to their families and communities in healthy and meaningful ways.  This show will examine the elements that contribute to long-term recovery and how advances in improv collaborations, service coordination, and recovery management have led to more effective systems of support. Effective models for providing this support, such as recovery-oriented systems of care (ROSC) and peer-to-peer support, will be discussed, along with the resources individuals can access to assist them at every stage of recovery.

1 hour
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DJUSD-Recovery Month
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