Twenty-fourth Annual Harmony in Our Lives Concert - 1:30pm Show

The West Valley Chorus presents

The Twenty Fourth Annual Harmony in Our Lives Davis Music Benefit Show - 1:30pm Show

Sunday, November 11, 2012. Brunelle Davis High Performing Arts Theatre. Davis, CA.

Sheila Allen, Master of Ceremonies

The West Valley Chorus, directed by Ollie Brilhante

Cesar Chavez Elementary School Chorus, directed by Ximena Jackson

Willett Elementary School Chorus, directed by Claudia Krich

Presentation of the 2012 Harmony in Our Lives Awards to the Davis Pickers and Singers by Tom Powers of the West Valley Chorus

15 Minute Intermission

Emerson Jr. High Beginning Chorus, directed by William Zinn

Davis High School Concert Choir, directed by Karen Gardias

Emerson Jr. High Advanced Chorus, directed by William Zinn

Davis High School Madrigals, directed by Karen Gardias

1 hour 51 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
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