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The Road to Recovery - Recovery Support: What It Means for People With Substance Use and Mental Disorders

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With the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as health reform, important and far-reaching changes are underway in our Nation's health system.

OLLI Presents - Dr.Marvin Goldman - Science Grand Rounds - 'Understanding Global Climate Change'

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OLLI, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, presents Dr. Marvin Goldman and his lecture series "Science Grand Rounds." This lecture is entitled 'Understanding Global Climate Change.'

The Road to Recovery - Prevention and Early intervention for Substance Use and Mental Disorders: What's Working, What's Needed?

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Preventing substance abuse and mental disorders is critical, and early intervention and treatment is essential to avoid devastating impact and reduce the high cost to society. What really works in prevention and early intervention? How can prevention and early intervention strategies and services be coordinated more effectively with treatment and recovery services? What role does prevention and eraly intervention play in a recovery-oriented system of care? What happens when someone is identified with a substance use or mental disorder?