Education & Schools

Don't Move A Mussel 2

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The invasion of quagga and zebra mussels and their continued spread via the movement between watersheds on trailered watercraft, water-based equipment and seaplanes is a concern for us all.

Descibes the origins, distribution and life history of dressenid mussels and the impacts that they have on our economy, ecology and culture and what can be done to stem the tide of the quagga and zebra mussel invasion in North America.

The Road to Recovery - Families are the Frontline

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It is well understood that prevention, treatment, and recovery in behavioral health require a multifaceted approach in which individuals, families, schools, and communities all play a vital role.  This show will focus on one of these critical sucess factors: families.  Whenever a family member - parent or child - is experiencing a mental or substance use health problem, the repsonse should involve the entire family.

The Road to Recovery - Partnering with Young Adults in Behavioral Health

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The field of behavioral health has increased recognized the importance of addressing the needs of specific age groups with respect to both mental and substance use disorders. Teenagers (aged 12-17) and young adults (aged 18-24) are two age groups for which sensitivity to age is especially importnat in the practice of prevention, treatment, and recovery. What are the most effective approaches to preventing underage drinking and the use of illicit drugs - including the nonmedical use of prescription medications - among youth?

Video News from TAC - Jul'12

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Video News from TAC: A half-hour news program each month bringing you stories from around the world. This month's topics include the 2005 excavation of US Route 61 that revelaed over 1000 buried features and 60,000 artifacts; and an interview with Dr. Tom King brings us up-to-date on the continuing search for Amelia Earhart.