Citizen Journalism

Media Edge

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"We're Going to Change Everything" (4.5 minutes)

This music video, produced in Sacramento, highlights messages about some of the important issues our country is dealing with today. Short segments of Bernie Sanders’ speeches are incorporated into the song.

"Bernie Sanders" (63.5 minutes)

Media Edge

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"Peak Moment" (28 minutes)

"I'm not a millionaire but I feel like one," declares Gabriel Pliska. This Vancouver, B.C. urban farmer gives a tour of a residential front yard garden, including planted boxes in the boulevard strip beside the curb.

Media Edge

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"My Road Trip through the Whitest Towns in America" (13 minutes)

As America becomes more and more multicultural, Rich Benjamin noticed a phenomenon: Some communities were actually getting less diverse. So he got out a map, found the whitest towns in the USA — and moved in. In this TED Talk, he shares what he learned as a black man in Whitopia.

"An Evening with Senator Marie Chappelle-Nadal" (1 hour, 43 minutes)

Media Edge

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"When Abortion Was Illegal" (28 minutes)

This Academy Award-nominated film features compelling first person accounts which reveal the physical, legal, and emotional consequences during the era when abortion was a criminal act.

"Dakota 38" (78 minutes)

Media Edge

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"How Martin Luther King's Dream Became A Nightmare" (10 minutes)

When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave the "I Have a Dream" 50 years ago, he had no idea Jim Crow would be replaced with another oppressive system: mass incarceration and the drug war. Nixon started the drug war just 8 years after King's "I have a Dream" speech. Both Reagan and Clinton continued it.