Artist's Connection

Artist's Connection is a locally produced, monthly television series hosted by journalist and singer-songwriter, Kevin Fagan. The program features topic-driven interviews of artists with questions that go beyond persona and performance, revealing the reasons behind the choices that artists make, and giving viewers a glimpse through the eyes of the artist.

Artist's Connection is produced by Sam Hawk and Pieter Pastoor at Davis Media Access.

More information is available at

Public Contact Info: 
Sam Hawk - Producer 530-400-1260

Berryessa Gap Tasting Room 3rd Thursday Open Mic Night - 08-15-19

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Berryessa Gap Tasting Room 3rd Thursday Open Mic Night

highlights featuring performances from: Ben Huseby, Cedar Cady, John Van Ouwerkerk, Ken Wilson, Michelle and Steve Martin, Mike Havens, Nancy Patterson, Sam Nelson, and Tarnished Angel.

Produced by Sam Hawk, Edited by Alex Silva-Sadder.

Recorded 08/15/19.