Meet the Candidates for Davis City Council
“Meet the Candidates” is a free service Davis Media Access (DMA) has made available to local campaigns since 1988. Candidates were invited to make a presentation of up to 5 minutes in DMA's studio and were taped under identical conditions. Statements were not edited in any way and are presented in random order.
The opinions expressed by candidates do not reflect the views of DMA's staff or board, and presentation of such content in no way implies endorsement of any kind.
DMA is the non-profit community media center that operates DCTV Public Access Channel 15, DJUSD Educational Access Channel 17, and KDRT-LP, 95.7 FM. We support local content creation, archiving and distribution via television, radio and the Internet. Coverage of local elections is core to DMA’s mission of creating community through media, and a partnership benefit we offer to our City and community. To support such efforts, please make a donation by visiting on to