In The Studio

In The Studio is a half hour television show produced by DCTV volunteers and staffers, and profiles various local non-profits and personalities.  Audio from many shows is also aired on KDRT FM-LP 95.7.

Production Manager, Jeff Shaw. Studio Manager/Director, Diane Dedoshka.

In The Studio - Fire Department Consolidation

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Autumn Labbe-Renault hosts Bill Weisgerber, interim chief, City of Davis Fire Department, Nathan Travernicht, assitant chief, UC Davis Fire Department, and Don Saylor, mayor of Davis, to discuss the plan to consolidate the University of Davis Fire Department and the City of Davis Fire Department.

In The Studio - NAFTA and Mexico

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Dr. Clifford DuRand discusses with Martha Teeter the impact that NAFTA is having on Mexico. Dr. DuRand elucidates NAFTA's role in displacement of subsistence farmers from their land, the dependent development NAFTA creates, the poverty created by NAFTA border factories and the rise of drug cartel violence linked to NAFTA. Dr. DuRand is at the Center of Global Justice in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. This Center works with local farmers, that face the pressure of displacement by NAFTA policies, to diversify their crops and hopefully keep their land.

In The Studio - Richard Broadhurst - Actor, Playwright, Screenwriter

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Amina Zamani interviews Richard Broadhurst.  Currently based in Sacramento, Richard is a well recognized professional actor and writer, for both stage and screen.  The episode revolves around how he made his acting dreams come true.  He is currently teaching several workshops in Sacramento.