Video News from TAC

Video News from TAC - Jul'12

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Video News from TAC: A half-hour news program each month bringing you stories from around the world. This month's topics include the 2005 excavation of US Route 61 that revelaed over 1000 buried features and 60,000 artifacts; and an interview with Dr. Tom King brings us up-to-date on the continuing search for Amelia Earhart.

Video News from TAC - Jan'13

This episode is currently not viewable online.

Video News from TAC: A half-hour news program each month bringing you stories from around the world.

In this episode, lay volunteers catalog artifacts thorugh the Forest Service Passport In Time (PIT) program at the Edge of the Cedars State Park Meseum in Blanding, Utah.

The rocky island of Inishark, off the west coast of Ireland, was inhabited for thousands of years and then abandoned in 1960. Archaeologists fortunately can bring three former residents to the island to help them dicument the very visible ruins.