Your Sanctuary

Your Sanctuary TV is a co-production of Access Monterey Peninsula (amp) the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.  Our Collaborators include The National Parks Service, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Everglades National Park, United Nations Environment Programme and many more.

Your Sanctuary TV Mission

It is the mission of amp, amp2, Your Sanctuary TV and our collaborators to disseminate Ocean and Earth conservation video content and informative data as widely as possible and to engage as many people as we can with the hope that their engagement will inspire participation in the stewardship activities needed to preserve and protect our natural resources for future generations.

Executive Producer Steve Ellzey

Your Sanctuary Special - Ocean Champions - Leon Panetta

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Join Monterey Native Son Leon Panetta as he speaks of being raised in the Ocean rich environment of WWII Monterey CA, playing on the wharfs as the fishermen unloaded their boats, visiting the beach with family and developing a strnog tie to the Ocean that exists to this day. Plus, Secretary Panetta discusses the History of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and future Ocean Policy. In addition, Activist/Conservationist Dan Haifley recalls his role with Save Our Shores during the pre-Sanctuary Days.