In The Studio - All the possibilities of Chamber Music

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Tim Gaffaney talks with Christine Zdunkiewicz, CEO and Program Director of the Davis Chamber Players. They discussed the origins of the group, their mission to cultivate current and future generations of audiences and musicians through education, how they choose what they perform, collaborations with Davis High and UC Davis, the future of classical music, and their up coming plans.

For more information:

Recorded 3/14/25

In The Studio - Four Decades of Dance

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Tim Gaffaney hosts Pamela Trokanski the founder of Pamela Trokanski Dance which is celebrating 40 years. They talked about her history with dance and how it changed her life, her focus on creating an environment that impacts someones whole health journey through dance for physical and mental well being. They also discussed classes, outreach and enrichment programs, KORE, Second Wind, chair classes and more, and talked about the theatrical productions that are staged.

For class info:

In The Studio - Jammin' on A St.

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Tim Gaffaney hosts Ken Celli who is a Jazz Jam Facilitator. They talked about the two monthly sessions held at the Davis Senior Center, the differences between them, what inspired Ken to start the Jazz jam, how it is distinctive from performance, and the goals of improving improvisational skills.

For more info contact Ken at

Recorded 11/21/24 

In The Studio - Bringing out the Poet in Everyone

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Tim Gaffaney talks with Mercedes Ibanez who is the newest Poet Laureate for the City of Davis. They discussed why she writes poetry, what drives what she writes about, and how being bilingual affects her creativity. She read four of her poems and they discussed the themes in the poems, her playwriting and it's connection to her poetry, and her role as Poet Laureate for the city of Davis.

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Recorded 10,25/24

A Freeway Teach-In: Davis Futures Forum on the Future of the I-80 Corridor

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Recorded December 7, 2023.   Join the Davis Futures Forum and Yolo Mobility, Cool Davis working groups, as they host guest speaker Susan Handy, Director of the National Center for Sustainable Transportation, who will offer her perspective on the current planning for I-80 traffic congestion and the Yolo Causeway. Her presentation will be followed by a diverse panel who will give us their thoughts about the Caltrans I-80 Corridor Master Plan and the associated widening project planned within Yolo County.

In The Studio - The Davis Hootenanny!

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Host Tim Gaffaney talks with Pamela Cohen and Josh Jordan, Co-founders of the Davis Hootenanny, a monthly disability inclusive music event with an open mic featuring the Team Davis Singers and guest artists. They talked about how and why they got started, and the contributions the City of Davis and the community at large have played.

For more information:

Recorded 9/18/2024

In The Studio - Giving Voice to Everyone's Own Journey

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Stephanie Maki, Program Manager for Communication Technology Education Center (CTEC) joins host Jeff Shaw to discuss Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC).

AAC describes communication using means, other than speech to express thoughts, needs, wants, and ideas.   Stephanie describes how CTEC Speech-Language Pathologists assess and train over 300 clients to use "light-tech" and "high-tech" communication solutions in their daily lives.

In The Studio - Our Native Baritone

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Host Tim Gaffaney talks with Davis native Malcom MacKenzie, a professional opera singer who has performed throughout the U.S. and Europe. They discussed how he came to this profession and the role the Davis schools played in his musical education. Malcolm talked about his favorite roles, how he keeps a role fresh, the acting dimension of opera and how that has changed over time, as well as the future of opera. And as a final treat he mused on his love of Star Wars and how there is a connection between that and opera.

The City Considers - Councilmember Donna Neville

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Autumn Labbe-Renault interviews Donna Neville, Davis City Council member representing District 3. Discussion includes the push-pull of serving a district while also advocating for issues citywide; the City's revenue shortfall; economic development, and the daytime respite center on L Street. #davisca #lcommunitymedia #civicinformation #electedwomen

Recorded 7/18/24