Libertarian Counterpoint

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1. Las Vegas shootings: Reason to rethink gun control or rethink prescribing of drugs designed to deal with “mental health issues?”

2. Can Trump handle Kim il Jung? Does he need handling?

3. More than half of all California Students miss English Standard. Even more fail at math. Is it time for School Vouchers?

4. Venezuela: How much proof do we need that Socialism doesn’t work

Libertarian Counterpoint

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PLF case: Yim v City of Seattle; the so called “Democracy Voucher” taxes

property to give money to voters to spend in a local election.

PLF case: Markle v US Fish and Wildlife Service. How can it be critical habitat for dusky gopher frog when none live there and couldn’t survive under the conditions on the land?

Do police use deadly force when nonlethal tactics would be very adequate?

Is North Korea a serious threat, or just an excuse for bluster?

Libertarian Counterpoint

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What’s really being normalized is leftist bad behavior

Manafort wiretap: so-called Russian Collusion in election a real problem or just another distraction?

Global warming (aka “Climate Change”): “settled science” or simply political science?

Jedediah Bila departs after 1 year as resident libertarian on ABC’s “The View”. Is she headed for something better, or just being punished for confronting Hillary Clinton?

Adrian Moore’s reasons for leaving California?

In The Studio - 3R Rescue

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Bonnie Shea hosts Linda Palagi Lynn, President and Co-Founder of 3R Rescue, and KRoo, a rescue dog.

topics discussed include: Paws at the Park fundraiser, wish list, the name of the organization, emphasis on re-homing, always in need of volunteers, about 20+ dogs there now on a ranch outside of Winters, CA, reach all the way into the Central Valley.

Recorded 09/21/2017.

In The Studio - YCCC: An Evening of Inspiration & Hope

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Martha Teeter hosts Debbie Woodsford, Director of Development, and Roger Pehlke, Board Member, Yolo Community Care Continuum.

topic discussed include: 2nd annual gala and auction Oct 6th 2017 at the CA AG museum in Woodland; being a board member and how they'd like like grow; 3 types of programs - crisis transitional, permanent housing; honoring Dignity Health at Gala; Live auction items - African safari, Disneyland, SF daytrip; Bob Dunning EmCee.

PSA Day 2018

Public Service Announcements are produced during Davis Media Access' annual PSA Day held each February. Each one showcases a community non-profit. These PSAs will air on DCTV  in a random rotation for a year before being retired.