Teens on Topic #19 - Do you think drug use in high school has increased, and why or why not?

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Teens on Topic #19:  Do you think drug use in high school has increased, and why or why not?

DJUSD teens interview local adults about this weeks subject, then discuss amongst themselves.

Recorded in Davis, CA in the Davis Media Access studio.

Teens on Topic #18 - Does Cosmetic Surgery have a positive or negative impact on society?

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Teens on Topic #18:  Does Cosmetic Surgery have a positive or negative impact on society?

DJUSD teens interview local adults about this weeks subject, then discuss amongst themselves.

Recorded in Davis, CA in the Davis Media Access studio.

The Connie Bryan Show - Sep'19

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Comedian Connie Bryan's late night show featuring fun and provocative discussion on politics and current events...On this episode Connie and her guest showcase the facts and breakdown the obvious need to impeach Trump (with a little help from "Elmo" of Sesame street) and with emphasis once again on the details Special Prosecutor Mueller laid out in his recent testimony before Congress.

Paul's Place Funding Announcement

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In a celebration acknowledging years of planning, design, review and outreach, the nonprofit Davis Community Meals and Housing (DCMH) announced the greater Davis community has raised more than $4 million of the estimated $5 million cost to replace its dilapidated building at 1111 H Street with Paul’s Place, a new innovative, multi-functional facility, designed by a local architect. Paul’s Place will provide day services, critical health and human resources, emergency shelter, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing to people living homeless in Davis.