35th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference: Plenary Session in Full

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35th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference
Restoring Watersheds and Rebuilding Salmon Runs
March 29-April 1, 2017 in Davis, CA

Recording of the entire Plenary Session:

Master of Ceremonies Thomas Williams
NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Fisheries Science Center

Salmon Restoration and the Re-engineering of Water in California
Jay R. Lund, Ph.D., Director,
Center for Watershed Sciences, UC Davis

If Salmon Could Talk...
Felicia Marcus,
Chairwoman, State Water Resources Control Board

Sorensen Exhibition at the Buehler Alumni Center

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Bridging Curious Spaces Between Abstraction and Life

Janet Sorensen's Oil Paintings

A Gallery Exhibition at the Walter A. Buehler Alumni Center

This event took place between November 4, 2016 and January 20, 2017 at UC Davis Walter A. Bueler Alumni Center, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616.


Video produced and edited by Janet S. Sorensen.

In The Studio - Who Is My Dad?

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Lin Weaver hosts Joanne Scheib, UC Davis Psychology Adjunct Professor.



topics discussed include: who benefits from it, overall significance on children & adults conceived by artificial insemination & the finding of a study showing more than 1/3rd of donor conceived adults want to know who their donor is.

Recorded 03/16/17.

In The Studio - Big Blue Barn Landfill Thrift Store

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Martha Teeter hosts Pamela Hendrick, Waste Reduction Recycling Coordinator, Yolo County.


topics discussed include: diversion of 15 tons of waste to thrift store, donations besides staff, pulling things out of trash, open times for buying, 7 days a week for donations, acceptable and unacceptable donations.

Recorded 03/16/17.

Cannabis and its place in the Davis Business Community

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The Davis Chamber of Commerce presents the March 2017 Luncheon, entitled:

Cannabis and its place in the Davis Business Community


Ash Feeney- Assistant Community Development & Sustainability Director, City of Davis

Keith Pitts- Senior Vice President, Marrone Bio

David Delaini- Deputy Chief of Police, City of Davis

John Young- Agricultural Commissioner, Yolo County Department of Agriculture

Heidi DAgostino - Cannabis Task Force Manager, Yolo County

In The Studio - Building Ideas & Solving Problems

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Jeff Shaw hosts Kyle Williams and Gunner Lester, producers and hosts of the retired Building Ideas & Solving Problems radio show on KDRT, 95.7 FM-LP.

topics discussed include: Kyle and Gunnar's new TV show - Building Ideas & Solving Problems, their background in media production, why producing media is an important aspect of how they spend their time.

Recorded 02/16/17.

In The Studio - UC Davis Chemistry Miller Symposium

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Preacher Cleveland hosts Nicole Nunez, Chemistry PhD graduate student, and Dr. Sheila Davis, UC Davis Chemistry Professor.


topics discussed include: The 17th Annual Miller Symposium on March 16 + 17th, whey they chose chemistry, drug development, purpose of what's happening with the miller symposium, poster presentation, scholarships, lab work, speakers.

Recorded 02/16/17.

The City Considers - Sanctuary City

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Autumn Labbe-Renault hosts Robb Davis, the Mayor of Davis, to discuss the city status as a sanctuary city.  

topics discussed include: What that means, what has changed with the travel ban, the legal rights of the city, the federal administration policy on immigration, the role of homeland security and the human trafficking problem.

Recorded 3/1/17.

In The Studio - Cheongsam Project

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Jeff Shaw hosts Ning Wan, Chair, Davis Cross-Cultural Foundation.


topics discussed include: The Cheongsam Project is a global project to make the largest scroll in human history.  The show highlights the local effort to add to that cause, and how doing so highlights one aspect of Chinese culture.

Recorded 02/16/17.