In The Studio - Transporting Crude Oil by Rail

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Lin Weaver hosts Lynne Nittler, Board Member, Cool Davis, Elizabeth Lasensky, Yolo MoveOn Council and Frances Burke, Yolo MoveOn Council

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Topics discussed include: The alarming prospect of a significant increase of crude oil trains running through Davis, the risks of transporting toxic and flammable materials on treacherous rail routes and outdated tank cars.

Recorded 12/09/14

In The Studio - Alternative Veterinarian Medicine

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Diane Crumley hosts Dr. Madeline Yamate, Veterinarian and Jill Quan, Practice Manager.

Topics discussed: Veterinary practices utilizing traditional Chinese medicine, common conditions that are treated with this alternative approach, acupuncture treatments and a demonstration of acupuncture on an Australian sheep dog

Recorded: 11/13/14