The City Considers - Downtown Plan Advisory Committee

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The City has launched an effort to create a long-term vision for Davis's downtown. The process will span roughly two years, and project out two decades. Spearheaded by the Downtown Plan Advisory Committee, the process seeks to involve community members.  What's driving the process? How was the committee convened? A public workshop just wrapped Jan. 25; we'll hear about that and learn about additional opportunities for community involvement.

Muslim American Contributions to Interfaith Dialogues - Part II

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Host Imam Mikal Shabazz is joined by Imam Abu Qadir Al-Amin, Imam Antar Jannah, and Imam Raqeeb Abdul-Jabbar.

A discussion of the history of Muslim American faith continues, with more history, a discussion of interfaith marriage, serving as a chaplains in military and hospitals, and more.

Recorded 11/17.

United States Bicycling Hall of Fame 2017 Induction Ceremony

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The 31st Annual U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame's Induction Ceremony, Dinner, and Silent Auction was held on Saturday November 11th, 2017 in Davis, California at the Activities and Recreation Center at U.C. Davis.

Past Hall of Famers, Olympians, World Champions, other Elite Cyclists and members of the public gathered to honor 2017 Inductees Roy Knickman (Modern Road and Track Competitor), Laurence Malone (Off-Road Competitor), Tim Mountford (Veteran Road and Track Competitor), and Joe Saling (Contributor to the Sport).

Muslim American Contributions to Interfaith Dialogues - Part I

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Host Imam Mikal Shabazz is joined by Imam Abu Qadir Al-Amin, Imam Antar Jannah, and Imam Raqeeb Abdul-Jabbar.

A discussion of the history of Muslim American faith, during which we hear how our guests got involved in the faith, earlier interfaith efforts as the Nation of Islam progressed in its understanding and maturity, and how the Imams contributed to peace and understanding among all faiths. 

Recorded 11/17. 

Libertarian Counterpoint

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Libertarian Party salutes bitcoin success (and happily accepts bitcoin donations)

Freedom of Association Should Be a Piece of Cake,

Libertarians successfully launch largest city council recall in nation's history,

Wisconsin Libertarian running to abolish office he seeks,

Republicans in Nebraska send out email blast charging that Libertarian State Senator Laura Ebke hosting a showing of "It's a Wonderful Life" is illegal.

Alabamians have another choice besides Roy Moore and Doug Jones, Libertarian Ron Bishop.

The 2017 Dragons' Den Highlights

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This highlight video features the Da Vinci Charter Academy 2017 Dragons' Den from December 16, 2017.

Dragons' Den is an event where 23 student teams create a viable small business for Davis and produce five- to 10-minute pitches to "Dragons"-  asking for investments in their businesses in return for a share in the company. This is a business fair type event, where judges proceed to each groups booth.

Video was produced by Davis Media Access, with Amin Muhammed as videographer.  

From the Davis Enterprise: