Basic Camera Orientation - Canon XA-25

Recently DMA hosted a camera orientation workshop for our Canon XA-25s.  During the hands-on workshop, the following slide presentation was used.  As promised, we have posted it so workshop participants can review it at their leisure. 

Canon XA-25 Basic Camera Orientation Slideshow.pdf

The file can also be found at>About>Forms

A full manual can be found here

External Links icon

 (although DMA makes no guarantees as to its accuracy)

Lastly, below is a summary pdf of what we covered.

*Please note that all this material was supplementary to the workshop and is not a complete course in and of itself.

PS> It has been noted that the XLR cord release mechanism on the XA-25 audio handle can be tricky to operate.  Some XLR cords have a different style of rim latch which (when inserted) makes it seem like the XLR port release lever on the camera is loose or broken.  You simply have to firmly press the latch all the way towards the XLR cord housing to withdraw the cord.  After cord removal, you'll see the release lever is firm and springy again. This was noted with the long, blue taped XLR cord but may happen with others. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015 - 1:45pm

In The Studio - 2016 Interfaith Conference on Climate Change

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Lin Weaver hosts Lynne Nittler, Yolo Interfaith Alliance for Climate Justice, Carol Warren, Co-coordinator for Yolo MoveOn, and Lorraine Visher, Folk Singer.

topics discussed include: reasons behind the conference and what it hopes to achieve, the mission of the Interfaith Conference.

2016 California Assembly and Senate Candidates Forum

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Candidates for California Assembly and Senate met local voters and answered questions at a public forum from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb. 20, at the Davis Senior Center, 646 A St.

The event, focused on local aging issues, was sponsored by the Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance.

Participants included 4th Assembly District candidates Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, Don Saylor, Charlie Schaupp and Dan Wolk; and 3rd Senate District candidates Bill Dodd, Gabe Griess, Greg Coppes and Mariko Yamada.

What's Going On - Darren Pytel

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Jon Li talks with Darren Pytel, City of Davis Police Chief.

Darren Pytel grew up in Davis. While a tsudent at Davis High School, Darren joined the Davis Police Department as a Cadet. Darren worked his way up: Bicycle Officer, Patrol, motorcycle Officer, Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain, will all of the organizational responsibility that goes with the position.

Chief Pytel talks about his concerns for the safety of our city, and specifically the problems with nightlife in the downtown.

Recorded 02/04/16.

Presentation and Discussion of The Nishi Gateway Project

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Presented by the Davis Vanguard, this Presentation and Discussion of the Nishi Gateway Project was recorded by Davis Media Access at University Park Inn on January 31, 2016.    
Nishi Gateway Managing Partner Tim Ruff, Davis City Council member Brett Lee, and City of Davis Community Development Staffer Katherine Hess are on hand for the presentation and discussion.

The 2016 Davis 1,000 Mentors for Youth Challenge Kickoff

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DJUSD and the City of Davis are launching their joint initiatiave - the 2016 Davis 1,000 Mentors for Youth Challenge. Mentors of all ages are invited to join this community cause and help reach and support school-aged children.

The goal is to have a minimum of 1,000 new volunteers supporting Davis youth by year's end.  Please join us in the New Year by meeting this new challenge: 1,000 Mentors for Youth.