2015 Interfaith Climate Conference Workshop: Personal Transportation Options

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Featuring Peter Kerr, research biologist and Robb Davis, Mayor pro tem.

Finally, ethical personal transportation is a real, practical option.   What a liberating feeling to have your daily rituals decoupled from fossil fuel politics and practices!  But what is this life like and how is it different?   It may be easier and more enjoyable than you think.  Peter offers his experiences of having an electric car and Robb offers the how and why of living entirely car-free.

2015 Interfaith Climate Conference: Intergenerational Panel: Views of Effective Climate Action

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Craig Lundgren leads an intergenerational panel called "Views of Effective Climate Action."  
Joe Krovoza - Former Davis Mayor, Associate Director for The Institute of Transportation and The Energy Efficiency Center.
Emili Abdel-Ghany - Field Organizer with California Student Sustainability Coalition: Solidarity Organizing Program; former Fossil Free UC Intern; 2014 UCD graduate.
Sara Zaragoza-Smith- Davis High School Junior

Kathleen Dean Moore on "Moral Ground: Ethical Actions for a Planet in Peril"

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Kathleen Dean Moore speaks about "Moral Ground: Ethical Actions for a Planet in Peril." Introduced by Geology graduate student Julie Griffith.  
Recorded by Davis Media Access as part of the 2015 Interfaith Climate Conference on Saturday, March 7 at University Covenant Church.

Sweetwater String Band sound-check clip

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Sweetwater String Band brought their modern bluegrass to the DCTV studio for another episode of Live in the Loam.  Here's a 5 min music video taken during their soundcheck - enjoy!

Band members: Dave Huebner, Scott Roberts, Patrick Ferguson, Jeff Meadway

Host: Pieter Pastoor

Recorded at Davis Media Acess 3/26/2015

In The Studio - Local Content Production: Behind the Scenes

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Autumn Labbe-Renault hosts Pieter Pastoor, Volunteer TV Producer/DJ and Sam Hawk, Volunteer TV Producer.

Topics discussed include: The difference between radio and TV productions, What's involved in producing a TV show, and the services Davis Media Access offers to help volunteers with learning equipment and how to producer.

In The Studio - Ken Mercurio: Head Over Wheels

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Jeff Shaw hosts Ken Mercurio, author of Head Over Wheels.

Topics discussed include: Ken's cycling journey, the failure of the carbon-fiber fork on his bike that caused a catastrophic accident, how he overcame his injuries, riding again, and the book he wrote detailing his experience.


Recorded 03/12/15