Garden Wise Living is a series of shows that reflect a natural and healthy lifestyle. Features include Down to Earth Gardening tips, Back to Basics Cooking and Preserving from the Garden, Do It Yourself Green Building and Remodeling Projects, as well as giving a face to the Family Farm and Traveling Treasure Hunts.
Garden Wise Living is produced and hosted by Arlena Schott.
Arlena opened her first business when she was 19 in Fallon, Nevada, which she called Arlena's Garden Shop and Nursery. She also ran a landscaping business in Nevada for over 14 years and was a regular speaker at many Nevada garden clubs.
Arlena and her family moved to Wisconsin in 1995 where she again opened a landscaping business she named Arlena's Plantscape and Pond Design. Arlena is a regular speaker at many of Wisconsin's Master Garden Clubs and Home and Garden Shows across the state were she enjoys being able to share what she has learned during her 26 years in the landscaping and gardening business.