This is a public meeting at Davis City Hall by the Woodland-Davis Clean Water Agency, formed in 2009. 12-20-2010.
Woodland and Davis are tow of only a few cities in California that rely entirely on groundwater for water supplies. Unfortunately, increasingly strict water quality regualtions will make it impossible for the cities to provide water service in the future using only ground water supplies.
Plans are underway to develop a new regional surface water supply project that will tap the Sacramento River. The river water will be treated at a new regional facility and delivered by pipelines to customers in Davis, Woodland and UC Davis.
The Woodland-Davis Clean Water Agency - a joint powers authority of the Cities of Woodland and Davis - was formed in 2009 to finance, build and operate a regional surface water supply project.
Starting in 2011, the Board of Directors will meet quarterly, typically at 3 p.m. on the third Thursdays in January, April, July and October. Meetings alternate between the Woodland and Davis City Halls. Meetings, locations, agendas, minutes, and more information can be found at