85 dB TV Episode 0001

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85 decibel Monk television (85 dB TV) is hosted by Iowa City hip-hop producer Tack-Fu.

It features only quality independent underground hip-hop videos, interviews with local & regional artists/dj's/producers & behind the scenes footage.

The personality of Tack-Fu shines through with his entertaining introductions before videos, left field humorous jabs, and his knack for only presenting the best kept secrets of jazz influenced hip-hop videos.

Nexus Stage Live - The Franciscos - 10th Anniversary Concert

This episode is currently not viewable online.

The Franciscos - 10th Anniversary Concert. Laura Ortiz - vocals, guitar, ukelele, percussion; Michael Ortiz - vocals, guitar, percussion; Laura Sandich - percussion. Cliff Gamble - lights, audio, switcher, camera, Director, Producer. Mike Duffy and Kirk Lewis - cameras.