Davis Futures Forum - John Godden - Building Sustainability - Ideas from Our Canadian Neighbors - May 2019

Davis Futures Forum - Building Sustainability - Ideas from Our Canadian Neighbors

This forum features John Godden, editor of Better Builder Magazine, speaking about sustainable building practices in Canada.   

Q & A with Greg Mahoney, Chief Building, City of Davis and introductions with Brett Lee, Davis City Council.

The purpose of the Davis Futures Forum is to highlight innovative approaches to social, economic, and environmental sustainability through land use planning.

The Forum primarily accomplishes its work by arranging for nationally known experts to speak at local public venues and with help from experts and supporters at the City of Davis, UC Davis, and in the community.

More information at: https://www.cooldavis.org/2019/04/10/building-sustainability-ideas-from-...

Recorded in the City of Davis Community Chambers, by Davis Media Access.

Recorded 4/25/19.

1 hour 31 min
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Creative Commons License: 
AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivatives
DCTV - Locally Produced
DCTV Digital Library