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"Last Hours" (11 minutes)

“Last Hours” was written by Thom Hartmann and co-produced by Leonardo DiCaprio’sfather, George.  This short documentary leaps far ahead of immediate issues of oceans rising to take away coastland.  Frequent extreme weather events are happening in unusual places, causing record breaking destruction. Hurricanes, tornados, ice, hail and snow storms, floods, droughts, wildfires all over the planet are happening nearly every week.  Even the Department of Defense and the CIA have identified global warming as a threat to national security, as people around the world become climate change refugees, driven from their homes by the ensuing loss of food, water, livestock, shelter andemployment.

Narrated by Thom Hartmann, “Last Hours” is tightly focused on themacro view of geologists, and scientists interested in the Permian Period, in which global warming resulted in the extinction of 95% of all life on Earth. The event was started by a massive volcano in Siberia, which raised the temperature  6 degrees.  Then, warming of the oceans melted frozen methane at the bottom, so when it bubbled up and turned into gas, it entered the atmosphere and triggered the planet catastrophe.  There have been Five Mass Extinctions since life began on Earth.  The purpose of “Last Hours” is to start looking at the possibility of a Sixth Mass Extinction, triggered by the burning of fossil fuels. The film examines situations like the melting of the Arctic Ice Sheet. In July 2013 it melted at the rate of the size of Kansas, every two days.

Endorsements for "Last Hours":  Al Gore; Robert Kennedy, Jr; Michael Brune, Sierra Club; Lester Brown, Earth Policy Institute; Denis Hayes, founder of Earth Day; and others too numerous to mention.

"The Great Divide with Joseph Stiglitz and Robert Reich" (57.5 minutes)

Economist Joseph Stiglitz and former Labor Secretary Robert Reich reminisce about opposing “corporate welfare” during their days in the Clinton Administration and talk here about problematic trade deals, income inequality and Stiglitz’s book, “The Great Divide: Unequal Societies and What We Can Do About Them.” Recorded at UC Berkeley.

"Our Water, Our Future" (7.5 minutes)

Cascade Locks, Oregon is heaven on earth—a small town nestled in the awe-inspiring Columbia River Gorge. But when Nestlé came to town with a proposal to bottle their water, citizens launched an all-out effort to protect their most precious resource. Our Water, Our Future tells the story of these unlikely activists and their advice for communities facing water grabs around the world.

"Tom Hayden & Naomi Klein - Journalism, Global Economy, NAFTA, The Sixties" (28 minutes)

Author, activist and former California State Senator Tom Hayden (who passed away on October 23, 2016) talks in depth with the author of No Logo and The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein, about the state of the fourth branch of government: journalists.  Both Hayden and Klein became serious journalists in college, and it was during that time that both experienced their defining moment.

When Tom Hayden interviewed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1960, he asked questions while imagining the headline, "Tom Hayden Interviews MLK," but by the time he wrote the article he knew there were more important things in the world than personal glory.

Naomi Klein rebelled from her liberal, feminist mother until Mark Lepine gunned down fourteen women in what became known as the Montreal Massacre. It was then she realized people were dying for the beliefs her mother fought for, and that realization awakened the activist within her. After both events, Hayden and Klein dedicated their lives to telling the truth about the world, and doing everything in their power to not use subjects like "they," but use "we" instead. It is that distinction that defines their journalism to this day.

"Hands in Peace" (11 minutes)

Hands in Peace builds peace among diverse communities by adapting the ancient Greek Olympics for children. The children celebrate our common humanity and cultural diversity through non-competitive festivals like this one held in Sacramento.

Episode Number: 
1 hour 58 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
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