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"Why Tax Breaks For the Rich Don't Create Jobs" (3 minutes)

It's time to end the "trickle-down" myth.

"Courage Is Contagious" (5.5 minutes)

When artist Damon Davis went to join the protests in Ferguson, Missouri, after police killed Michael Brown in 2014, he found not only anger but also a sense of love for self and community. His documentary "Whose Streets?" tells the story of the protests from the perspective of the activists who showed up to challenge those who use power to spread fear and hate.

"Warrantless Surveillance Ensnares Physics Professor" (5.5 minutes)

Do we want to live in a world where academics fear surveillance and prosecution simply because they communicate with colleagues abroad? The chilling effect on academic collaboration and freedom of expression, both protected by the First Amendment, are clear.

"When Heritage Equals Hate -- The Truth About the Confederacy in the United States" (1 hour, 40.5 minutes)

Jeffery Robinson, the ACLU’s top racial justice expert, discusses the dark history of Confederate symbols across the country and outlines what we can do to learn from our past and combat systemic racism.

Episode Number: 
1 hour 58 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
DCTV - Sponsored Programs
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