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"The Laura Flanders Show" (two episodes, 26.5 minutes each)

1.  "Some of us have too much of this world’s goods​... and we are thereby

separated too widely from each other," ​wrote Eleanor Roosevelt, the subject of

Blanche Wiesen Cook's three-volume biography​. ​Laura speaks to Cook about

​Eleanor - the First Lady of the World - and why her work still resonates.

​Plus, a documentary by filmmaker Ross Watne on Arthurdale, the ​​experimental​,

government-funded community Roosevelt ​championed in Depression-era West​


2.  Women's Leadership on the Screen, in the Streets and on the World

Stage. In this episode, we speak with New Zealand's former prime minister, Helen

Clark and filmmaker Gaylene Preston regarding their documentary, "My Year With

Helen," about Clark's foiled bid to become the UN's first female Secretary

General. Then we stop by the Athena Film Festival to find out why representation

remains to important to leadership behind and in front of the camera.

"How Shocking Events Can Spark Positive Change" (15.5 minutes)

Things are pretty shocking out there right now — record-breaking storms,

deadly terror attacks, thousands of migrants disappearing beneath the waves and

openly supremacist movements rising. Are we responding with the urgency that

these overlapping crises demand from us? Journalist and activist Naomi Klein

studies how governments use large-scale shocks to push societies backward. She

shares a few propositions from "The Leap" — a manifesto she wrote alongside

indigenous elders, climate change activists, union leaders and others from

different backgrounds — which envisions a world after we've already made the

transition to a clean economy and a much fairer society. "The shocking events

that fill us with dread today can transform us, and they can transform the world

for the better," Klein says. "But first we need to picture the world that we're

fighting for. And we have to dream it up together."

"Trump's Stock Buyback Bamboozle" (3 minutes)

Robert Reich explains that Trump's corporate tax are going to stock

buybacks -- enriching executives and major investors but leaving most  workers


"The Story of Stuff" (21 minutes)

"The Story of Stuff" -- an animated documentary about the lifecycle of

material goods -- is one of the most widely viewed environmental-themed short

films of all time. Since its release in December 2007, The Story of Stuff has

been shown in thousands of schools, houses of worship, community events and

businesses around the world.

"What We Can Do About the Culture of Hate" (18 minutes)

We're all against hate, right? We agree it's a problem — their problem, not

our problem, that is. But as Sally Kohn discovered, we all hate — some of us in

subtle ways, others in obvious ones. As she confronts a hard story from her own

life, she shares ideas on how we can recognize, challenge and heal from hatred

in our institutions and in ourselves.

Episode Number: 
1 hour 58 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
DCTV - Sponsored Programs
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