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"The Big Picture" (33.5 minutes)

Former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich and Civic Action teamed up to create this new series of 12 short videos that focus on advancing bold, progressive policy solutions — such as expanding Social Security and making public higher education free.

"OverCriminalized -- Alternatives to Incarceration" (22 minutes)

Homeless Hate Laws are spreading throughout the country. There are alternatives. OverCriminalized focuses on the people who find themselves being trafficked through this nation’s criminal justice system with little regard for their humanity and zero prospects for actual justice. They are victims of unwillingness to invest in solving major social problems, and the consequent handling off of that responsibility to the police, the courts, and the prisons. They are the mentally ill, the homeless, and the drug addicted. Sometimes they are all three.

"Jerusalem...The East Side Story" (56.5 minutes)

A feature-length documentary about Israel’s policy to gain supremacy over the City of Jerusalem and its inhabitants. It also touches on the future of the city: Jerusalem is the key to peace; without Jerusalem, there is no peace.

Episode Number: 
1 hour 59 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
Creative Commons License: 
AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivatives
DCTV - Sponsored Programs
DCTV Digital Library