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"Koch Brothers Exposed" (56 minutes)

This documentary shines a light on billionaires David and Charles Koch, who were handed the ability to buy our democracy in the form of giant checks to the House, Senate, and soon, possibly even the Presidency.  It investigates where their money went and who their money hurt during the process leading up to the 2014 elections.

"Peak Moment" (28 minutes)

"It's pretty clear by now the methane gun has been fired in the Arctic Ocean, so we're headed for very abrupt warming. What does that mean in terms of how we live? I think it means we live with urgency. We live with love. We live passionately." More people are paying attention when professor emeritus Guy McPherson names recent scientific observations pointing to abrupt climate change in the next few decades. This will quickly reduce habitat for humans and the plants we depend on. The co-author of "Extinction Dialogues: How to Live with Death in Mind" shares his recent journey in grief recovery work and meditation. A recent visit to the emergency room gave him a chance to share in some gallows humor while being mindful to appreciate each moment.

"Peak Moment" (28 minutes)

"Back in the 1930s on the Olympic peninsula, people were paying their taxes in alternative money…The banks shut them down. This is an example of the monopoly the banks have, and the level of control they have over peoples' economic lives… People need to know [local currency] is a possibility, an option, a realistic tactical and powerful way to take back your economic power from the bankers." Fourth Corner Exchange co-founder Francis Ayley says the current debt-based global money system is an unsustainable Ponzi-scheme that will crash. By contrast, local currencies are unlimited, based on whatever members want to exchange. He and director Lia Ayley share the nuts and bolts for new members starting to exchange, how values are set, and exchanges involving both Life Dollars and US dollars. The biggest challenge, they say, is changing our mindset from the scarcity built into the existing monetary system to one based on relationships, cooperation and plenty.

Episode Number: 
1 hour 59 min
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
DCTV - Sponsored Programs
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