Parent University 2014 - John O'Sullivan and Youth Sports Panel Discussion

Best selling author John O’Sullivan speaks about 'The Psychology of High-Performance.'

Author of the bestselling book "Changing the Game: The Parents Guide to Raising Happy, High-Performing Athletes and Giving Youth Sports Back to Our Kids," and founder of the Changing the Game Project, John travels around the country speaking to schools and youth sports organizations about developing more competitive, high-achieving athletes through environments of love and respect, rather than fear and pressure.

Also features a panel discussion with local youth sports coaches moderated by Pamela Wu, featuring Koren Motekaitis, swim coach, Ashley Yudin, soccer coach, Richard Bacarini, martial arts coach, and Steve Smyte, football coach, along with a special message from DHS Athletic Director Dennis Foster.

recorded at the Brunelle Theater, Davis High School, on March 21st, 7-9pm.

Sullivan Summary PDF PDF Summary of John O'Sullivan's March 2014 talk.

1 hour 49 min
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DCTV - Locally Produced
DCTV Digital Library