Davis Flash Mob - Anniversary Surprise

Once there was a short boy who fell in love with a tall girl. He somehow managed to convince her that she loved him too. And then they kissed... and the rest is history. On August 10, 2012, ten years after they tied the knot, the short boy decided to surprise his beautiful life-partner with a wedding anniversary flash mob in downtown Davis, CA. At the end of it all, the couple renewed their vows and everyone participated in a cash mob to raise funds for the arts (the tall girl is owner and artist of ABC-Davis Photography Art). It was a celebration to remember! Many thanks to those who made this amazing experience possible. And a special thanks to Shelly Gilbride from Public Dance Acts who choreographed and organized the flash mob. -Bill Habicht

Title: Davis Flash Mob, Surprise Anniversary
Date: August 10th 2012
Location: E St. Plaza in Downtown Davis
Production: Ashley Woodbury

9 min 17 sec
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
Creative Commons License: 
AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivatives
DCTV - Locally Produced
DCTV Digital Library