Campbell's Comedy Corner - Tom Hayes

Bill welcomes old friend, Tom Hayes ( to Campbell's Comedy Corner. Tom is a master salesman and life motivator. With an iron will forged out of the tragic experience of losing a leg to cancer in childhood, Hayes has a compelling history to share with his audiences. A world traveler, extreme sports enthusiast and proud father of two happy and successful daughters, Hayes epitomizes a "can do" approach to life's challenges. In 2005, Tom launched a web based flash cartoon program on the internet under the auspices of parent company, All Mighty Productions, Inc. Within a few weeks, Marc Beaudette, head animator, created the character, ‘The Boston Baked Bean’, and a new mascot, story book cThe Beanharacter, and souvenir line was instituted. Soon, the product line expanded to an innovative toy line under the direction of master toy designer, Matt Doughty. The new company, Beantown Toys, is realizing outstanding success and acceptance worldwide. As owner, visionary, author, and CEO, Tom is bringing the Beantown concept to fruition through such multi media endeavors as books, animation, music, interactive website, TV programming and movies. Negotiations are presently underway with a major, multi-national, retail chain to introduce the product to consumers, internationally. Please see the link

Episode Number: 
30 min 54 sec
PBCore Genres: 
PBCore FCC Ratings: 
PBCore Languages: 
DCTV - Sponsored Programs
DCTV Digital Library