General Audiences - TV-G/ TV-PG

Populist Dialogues - A Personal History of the John Birch Society

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Claire Conner, author of Wrapped In The Flag, speaks at the First Unitarian Church about her new book and her history as the daughter of two original John Birch Society members in Chicago. She talks about being the youngest member at age 13 and how she came to realize the true character of the society, causing her to change into a liberal critic and activist. She warns that the John Birch Society continue to live on in the Tea Party today and other far right organizations and the importance of being united against the far right.

Populist Dialogues - Why Not Nuclear? The Case Against Nuclear Power

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Guest David Hill is a volunteer working with Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility on their program to stop the use of nuclear power. He delivers a modified version of his power point presentation: “Why Not Nuclear? The Case Against Nuclear Power.” He provides a broad overview of how nuclear works (fission vs fusion), the environmental and health dangers of nuclear energy, discussion of Fukushima and the Columbia Generating Station at Hanford and why it needs to be closed down.

Populist Dialogues - Our last hope, Natures Trust Law

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Guest Mary Wood, Faculty Director of the University of Oregon Environmental & Natural Resources Law Program, speaks with us about the use of nature trust law to bring us back from the fossil fuel induced environmental tipping point. She notes that our elected leaders as well as our regulatory agencies have been captured by the corrupting influence of the fossil fuel industries. Now we use he third branch of government to protect the environment.

Populist Dialogues - Opposing the Privatization of US Postal Service

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Guest Jamie Partridge, a member of Portland Communities and Postal Workers United and a retired postal worker himself, discusses the efforts of the upper echelons of the US Postal Service to privatize the service and the efforts of communities impacted by such efforts united with postal officers to prevent that from happening.

35th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference - The Epic California Drought as Viewed From Space: Drought vs. Chronic Water Scarcity

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35th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference
Restoring Watersheds and Rebuilding Salmon Runs
March 29-April 1, 2017 in Davis, CA

Recording of:

The Epic California Drought as Viewed From Space: Drought vs. Chronic Water Scarcity

Jay Famiglietti, Ph.D.,
NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, and UC Irvine

Recorded March 31, 2017 at the Brunelle Performance Hall by Davis Media Access.

35th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference: Salmon Restoration and the Re-engineering of Water in California

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35th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference

Restoring Watersheds and Rebuilding Salmon Runs

March 29-April 1, 2017 in Davis, CA.

Recording of:

Salmon Restoration and the Re-engineering of Water in California

Jay R. Lund, Ph.D., Director,

Center for Watershed Sciences, UC Davis

Recorded March 31, 2017 at the Brunelle Performance Hall by Davis Media Access.

35th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference: If Salmon Could Talk...

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35th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference
Restoring Watersheds and Rebuilding Salmon Runs
March 29-April 1, 2017 in Davis, CA

If Salmon Could Talk...
Felicia Marcus,
Chairwoman, State Water Resources Control Board

Recorded March 31, 2017 at the Brunelle Performance Hall by Davis Media Access.

Populist Dialogues - The Perils of Our Growing Inequality

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The Perils of Our Growing Inequality

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston speaks about his newest book, Divided, The Perils of Our Growing Inequality. David was at the First Unitarian Church in May and this is an edited version of his presentation.

First broadcast September 7, 2014

Category: News & Politics

Preview on YouTube:

Libertarian Counterpoint

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Susan Rice allegedly "unmasked" Trump mentions in intelligence surveillance records.

The Gorsuch nomination and the Democratic filibuster.

Real border wall losers - ranchers, homeowners and taxpayers through exercise of eminent domain.

DHS Secretary John Kelly says airport searches of cell phones will continue.

Yale School of Medicine Professor Gordon Shepard says drinking wine gives brain a workout, engaging brain more than music or solving math equations. But you must swallow.