General Audiences - TV-G/ TV-PG

Media Edge

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"Hedge Fund Billionaires vs. Kindergarten Teachers: Whose Side Are You On?" (44 minutes)

The top 25 hedge fund managers make more than all kindergarten teachers in the country combined. These investors make millions - sometimes billions - of dollars investing borrowed money in hopes of realizing large capital gains. But what is most absurd is that these millionaires and billionaires pay a lower tax rate than kindergarten teachers -– and very likely a lower rate than YOU!

Media Edge

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"This is Crazy: Criminalizing Mental Health" (22.5 minutes)

America is “treating” mental illness through incarceration - and the price we are paying both in dollars and human capital is enormous. This film focuses on the problems with criminalizing mental health, told through first-hand accounts.

"Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism" (77.5 minutes)

In The Studio - 3D Printing

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Lin Weaver hosts Steven Lucero, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UC Davis, and Russell Neches, Ph.D. student in Microbiology, UC Davis to discuss 3D printing and its various applications.

topics discussed include: how 3D printers work, the technologies behind them, the process of 3D printing, the applications for the sciences and arts, as well as live demos.

In The Studio - The Battle of the Books

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Lin Weaver hosts Shelley Dunning, Organizer of the Battle of the Books, and Kate Duren and Andy Jones, co-authors of "Where's Jukie."

topics discussed include: details about the Battle of the Books competition and event in Davis benefitting the Hattie Weber Museum, and a review of the book "Where's Junkie."

Note: This is the first episode in our new shorter web friendly format!