General Audiences - TV-G/ TV-PG

Open Mic Poetry - Clara Hsu and Bill Mercer

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Hello. This is John Rhodes producer and cohost of San Francisco Mystic Babylon Open Mic Poetry Podcast/TV. In this podcast we have segment 1 and 2 of the Mystic Path on the San Francisco Podcast/TV Show. Clara Hsu will be performing a duet with Bill Mercer on this TV show. You can find out more about Clara Hsu by going to . Clara Hsu's song is sung to the poem of Li Po, titled Night Thoughts.

Analyzing the 1 Percent

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Analyzing the 1% - Program Nr. 6:
a/ A dialectic between Capitalism and Socialism.
b/ The third way – an explanation of the principles used in the Trilogical
Cooperative Company and it’s broad application on the economics of
c/ Excerpt of Dr.Keppe from STOP TV Program 269 - How to Get Back on
the Road to Success.
d/ The mistake of putting our hopes in the powerful instead of in our own
e/ OWS video of demonstration against Bank of America – “It’s Time to
Turn the Tables.”

Redwood Prairie Puppets - Old Jebidiah

This episode is currently not viewable online.

The show features a unique and colorful cast of puppets, people and animated characters that celebrates the very unique nature of  small town life in Northern California!