
In The Studio - Community to the Classroom

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Tae Chon hosts Clifford Garibay and Ryan Gonzalez, local documentary filmmakers.  They discuss 'Community to the Classroom,' their first feature film.  It shows how a series of racial incidents in Davis, CA triggered positive changes through a cross-discliplinary high school course covering social justice, history and modern analytical techniques.  A number of students reflect upon the dramatic changes the whole experience has brought them and their community.

9/11 Truth - Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq War

This episode is currently not viewable online.

This controversial and arresting film takes you behind the walls of government, as CIA, Pentagon and foreign service experts speak out, many for the first time, detailing the lies, mis-statements and exaggerations that served as the reasons to fight a 'preemptive' war that wasn't necessary.