
Davis Chorale - Dreams and Dances

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This concert features performances of Benjamin Britten's Choral Dances from Gloriana, John Corigliano's Fern Hill which is the setting for Dylan Thomas's elegant poem about youth and age, and Gwyneth Walker's Dreams and Dances. 

Mezzo-Soprano Tania Mannion is featured in Fern Hill.

The concert was performed at Brunell Hall in Davis on April 5, 2014 at 8pm

In The Studio - SacSings! The Sacramento Choral Festival

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Lin Weaver hosts Dick Frantzreb, Executive Director of SacSings! The Sacramento Choral Festival, and David Loofbourrow, Board Member of the Sacramento Valley Choral Coalition.

topics discussed include: SacSings!, the choral festival June 13th-15th, bringing together 20 choruses, a thousand singers for eight concerts.