
Populist Dialogues - 14-14 - B Corporations, Be The Change

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B Corporations and public benefit corporations are this program's topic with guests Brian Selzter and Sandra Morris, both Portland small business owners. Brian's business is a B Corporations while Sandra's is both a B Corporation and a public benefit corporation. They talk about how B Corporations can add the social responsibility back into the corporate world, what the difference is between one and the other, and more.

First broadcast June 29, 2014

Populist Dialogues - 14-13 - Labelling GMOs

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Host David Delk talks with Julia Degraw, NW Organizer with Food & Water Watch, on the Oregon initiative campaign to label foods which contain GMOs in Oregon. Julia reviews what GMOs are, how they are different from seed saving and hybridization; what happened during the special session of the Oregon legislature; how two local Oregon county campaigns turned out and more.

First broadcast June 15, 2014

Populist Dialogues - 14-12 - Project Censored

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Project Censored’s faculty adviser, Nolan Higdon, talks about the current condition of corporate news media and the need for alternative news sources. He describes how Project Censored got started following the Watergate scandal; how they pick stories for their annual report on the 25 most censored news stories and why a non-corporate owned media is important for a fully functioning democracy.

Populist Dialogues - 14-11 - Nature's Trust Law

This episode is currently not viewable online.

Guest Mary Wood, Faculty Director of the University of Oregon Environmental & Natural Resources Law Program, speaks with us about the use of nature trust law to bring us back from the fossil fuel induced environmental tipping point. She notes that our elected leaders as well as our regulatory agencies have been captured by the corrupting influence of the fossil fuel industries. Now we use he third branch of government to protect the environment.