
Sacramento Soapbox

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"Cindy Sheehan": Hosts Ken Adams and Jeanie Keltner interview Steve and Virginia Peary about protests by anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan

Sacramento Soapbox

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"Solar Engery": hosts Ken Adams and Jeannie Keltner discuss recent developments with solar energy with guests John Burton and Liz Merry

Sacramento Soapbox

This episode is currently not viewable online.

"Sacramento City School Update": Hosts Ken Adams and Heidi Maclean interview Darlene Anderson about administration of school programs for disadvantaged students

Sacramento Soapbox

This episode is currently not viewable online.

Description: "August Peace Month": Hosts Ken Adams and Jeannie Keltner interview Harry Wang, M.D., member of physicians for Peace, about the consequences of the atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima

Sacramento Soapbox

This episode is currently not viewable online.

"Success Academy v. the Met": Hosts Ken Adams and Heidi Maclean interview Big Heffe and Nicole Dominique about city schoull prgorams for "at risk" students.