News Magazine

Sci-fi Journal - Dec'16

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Sci-Fi Journal for December 2016 shot live at Rhode Island Comic Con held November 11-13, with hosts James Hinsey, Marc Morisseau, and Calvin Watts III. James interviews Michael Squatrito about the Association of Rhode Island Authors (ARIA), his published novel series The Overlords, and the Author Expo at Rhodes on the Pawtuxet in December. Marc interviews Heather of Wibbily Wobbly Timey Wimey, a Doctor Who merchandise vendor. Calvin interviews Stefan Kapičić who played Colossus in the Deadpool movie.

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"What Happened? … And What Do We Do Now? " (1 hour, 31 minutes)

On November 11, 2016 (just 3 days after the presidential election) Eugene Robinson, Pulitzer prize-winning columnist for the Washington Post and MSNBC contributor, spoke to a packed house in Sacramento about the shocking results of the election, and what we can do about this in the future.  A Media Edge crew recorded the event at St. Mark's United Methodist Church as part of its Moon Lecture Series.

"The Laura Flanders Show" (23 minutes)

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"This Land is Our Land" (4 minutes)

In the midst of California's historic drought, Nestle Waters - the largest bottler of water in the world—is drawing millions of gallons of water a year from the San Bernardino National Forest. Nestle’s permit expired in 1988, at which point the Forest Service should have turned off the spigot. Let's hold Nestle accountable and ensure this shared public resource is protected for future generations.

"Unlabeled - The Most Dangerous Product On The American Market" (4 minutes)

Strata: Portraits of Humanity - Nov'16

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(1) Archaeologists dive on Marigondon Cave, best known as one of the most famous diving spots in Cebu City, Philippines. It would have been above sea level during the last glacial periods of 22,000 and 38,000 BP so it could have been inhabited then. (2) Archaeologists carried out excavations over the summer of 2014 on the route to bypass Cannington, a town in West Somerset, England. They found the remains of three Roman buildings, including a high-status villa complete with under-floor heating and evidence of painted wall plaster and a slate roof.

Sci-fi Journal - Nov'16

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Sci-Fi Journal for November 2016 with hosts James Hinsey, Jay Kingston, Marc Morisseau and Calvin Watts III. Jay does Popcorn Previews with trailers for "Wonder Woman", "Doctor Strange", "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter", "Legends of the Hidden Temple", and "Power Rangers". Calvin does Game Over covering upcoming home video releases and video games news with a trailer for "Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare". Marc does Toob News covering all of our favorite and new television shows. James does Anime Daisuki covering anime news.

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"An Evening with Barry Scheck: Justice for the Innocent" (1 hour, 32 minutes)

Attorney Barry Scheck, DNA expert and co-founder of the Innocence Project, delivered a moving presentation to a capacity crowd at St. Mark's United Methodist Church in Sacramento, as part of the Moon Lecture Series.  The Innocence Project exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.  A Media Edge crew recorded this event on September 16, 2016.

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"The Laura Flanders Show" (25.5 minutes)

[NOTE: In tonight's Media Edge, we feature our first episode of "The Laura Flanders Show," which leads the field in new economy media, reporting on the social critics, artists, activists, and entrepreneurs who are building tomorrow’s world today.]

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"The United States of ALEC" (41 minutes)

Bill Moyers' report on the most influential corporate-funded political force most of America has never heard of -- ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council. A national consortium of state politicians and powerful corporations, ALEC presents itself as a “nonpartisan public-private partnership”. But behind that mantra lies a vast network of corporate lobbying and political action aimed to increase corporate profits at public expense without public knowledge.