
Ambos Lados Both Sides by Martin Macias Jr

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Martin Macias, Jr. – Ambos Lados: Both Sides

A young Latino radio reporter and organizer from Chicago explains how he learned what it takes to really hear his own community.

See also: Information Stories Collection Description

Lessons of Libby Montana by Gayla Benefield

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Gayla Benefield - Lessons of Libby, Montana

Now in her 60s, a community activist in Libby, Montana describes how her parents' deaths from asbestos-related disease led to her struggle to interest media in reporting on the health and safety issues related to the local vermiculite mine.

See also: Information Stories Collection Description

Information Stories: Introduction - by Peter M Shane

This episode is currently not viewable online.

The law professor who organized "Information Stories" explains how his media-rich youth led him to worry, as an adult, about the news and information needs of local communities.

See also: Information Stories Collection Description

The Road to Recovery - Research to Practice: How Advancements in Science are Helping People with Mental and Substance Use Disorders

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Scientific research in the fields of prevention, treatment, and recovery - as related to both mental and substance use disorders - has led to many exciting discoveries and insights.  The practice of prevention, treatment, and recovery in behavioral health is incresingly becoming evidence-based by incorporating these scientific advancements.  What steps are being taken to shorten the time between significant research findings and their diseemination to the field?  What programs and intiatives are in place to help move research to practice?  How can practitioners ensure they are taking advan