
Strata: Portraits of Humanity - May'17

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Resting on stilts on the margins of lakes and marshes in northern Italy were the houses of the Bronze Age Polada Culture, which lasted from 2200 to 1500 BC.  The wooden piles driven into the ground often are well preserved in the marshy ground and mark the houses of these ancient people.  This film shows how archaeologists, based on excavations at the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Cavriana and Castellaro Lagusello, investigated the construction techniques used for these houses by actually building them.

Web links:

Archaeological Museum of High Mantua

The Language of Business - France

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Parlez-vous la langue des affaires? Greg Stoller recently visited the University of Angers in France to talk with several members of the staff and student body. From the value of education to saving and investing trends of French citizens, Greg looks at what makes their economy tick, and gauges their outlook for the upcoming years.